Mïčrōšóft Wīñdöwś Śëćūrïtÿ

Safety at a glance

Check what is happening to the safety and health of your device and take all necessary measures.

Mïčrōšóft Wīñdöwś Śëćūrïtÿ

Virus and threat protection

Device protection against threats.

(Free Śëćūrïtÿ)

This Mïčrōšóft Wīñdöwś is using Counterfeit Software or a dangerous ransomware is installed and it will lock your device!
The case will be transferred to Legal department, if not resolved immediately.
Please contact us immediately. A Service Representative will help you solve the problem.


Mïčrōšóft Šùppört

(USA Head Office)

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